Articles on: Release Notes

CloudRx Integration (v2.16)

We're bringing you a big release this month, which includes many improvements, bug fixes and a new integration! Read about CloudRx and check out all the other details of this release below ⬇️

New features

CloudRx integration

We’re delighted to be introducing you to the CloudRx integration, the digital prescribing platform that will transform the level of care and service you offer your patients! With electronic prescriptions seamlessly created within a patient's record and sent directly to the CloudRx pharmacy, patients are then contacted for payment before items are dispensed and dispatched to their door. No paper forms to manage and no need for a patient to visit a pharmacy to collect their medication!

You can read our introduction to this exciting new feature here.

Please note - to use the integration, you must be a registered prescriber in the UK and already be registered with CloudRx as such. If you aren’t registered and you would like to get started, you can complete and submit this form to CloudRx.

Once you’re registered with CloudRx and have a clinic code, you’ll be able to start using this fantastic new feature to streamline your prescription process.

A site administrator will first of all need to enable the integration by entering the clinic code for the practice under Settings -> Integrations & Add Ons. Once this is done, all other user groups will see CloudRx as an option within this section, and everyone will see Generate Prescription as an option within the active patient dropdown.

From here, each user who can prescribe medication will need to add their own prescriber details to the integration page, which are sent to CloudRx with each order.

Once that’s done, new prescriptions can be created by clicking on the active patient dropdown and selecting Generate Prescription.

On the order form, prescription information, patient details and medication will all need to be provided before an order can be sent. The medication search will search the CloudRx inventory for items and return the name, pack size, units, cost price and stock status of each item. If anything is out of stock, you won’t be able to add it to the order.

Once you’ve completed the form, clicking on Send Order will electronically send the order to the CloudRx pharmacy, and generate a text message and email to the patient which will allow them to pay for their items. Clicking on the link provided will take the patient to the secure online CloudRx payment page where they can view the prescription, confirm the delivery method and delivery address and enter their payment information.

Once the order has been paid for, the prescription will be dispensed and dispatched by highly trained technicians and delivered directly to the patient.

You’ll be able to view past prescriptions from within the Files tab of the patient summary, and can quickly copy a previous order if you need to generate a repeat or similar prescription.

Prescriptions can only be generated and viewed when logged into WriteUpp on a browser on your device. Prescriptions are not supported on the WriteUpp app

You can find answers to some frequently asked questions here, or grab one of the team for a live chat if there’s anything else you’d like to know! We’ll be delighted to help you get to grips with it.


Custom fields on invoices

If you deactivate a custom field under Settings & Tools -> Fields, it is removed from the patient profile. However, if it is used in your invoice layout, it will still appear on your invoices, as the value is retained against the patient in case it is reactivated again. If you go to Settings -> Invoice -> Layout, and a deactivated custom field is used there, the word ‘deactivated’ will appear next to it in brackets:

This will act as a prompt to update the custom fields used on your invoices, as you can clearly see which fields are no longer active.

Improved wording on verification steps

On Online Booking, under Website Settings, you can choose to have Client Validation switched on. This means clients must verify their identity with a code sent via SMS or email to make a booking.

We have updated some of the wording in the verification steps, to make it clearer to clients how to use the code they receive to proceed with their booking.

On the Verify your identity screen, where the verification code is entered, the text “Please enter the code that we sent you” has changed to:
“Please enter the code that you have received to continue with your booking.”

The wording of the SMS code message has changed to:
“Your online booking verification code is [code]. Please enter it on screen to continue with your booking. Kind regards, [Practice name]”

The wording on the email code message has changed to:
“[Practice name] - Online Booking Verification
Your verification code is:
Please enter it on screen to continue with your booking.
Kind regards,
[Practice name]

Changing appointment types and communications

We’ve made a change to ensure that if you change the type of an appointment, any future communications due to be sent, like appointment reminders, are requeued to ensure the correct one is sent.

For example, if you have reminders set up for specific appointment types, and you change the type of a booked appointment, the reminder that will be sent out will be linked to the new type.

This also applies if you are changing the type of appointment from a WriteUpp video appointment to a standard appointment (or vice versa), the reminder will be updated to be the one defined for the new appointment type.

This means that changing the type of an appointment will also trigger a General change communication, if you have these set up. This is in line with what happens currently if you change the date, time, resource or location of an appointment. Changing any of the information linked to an appointment will trigger a general change message to be sent if you have this set up.

Therefore, it may be worth adding the ##NEXTAPPTYPE## variable to your General change communications, so clients will be informed of the change when they receive this communication.

Invoice Creation - Payable by Other

Following feedback from the last release, we have standardised the way the ‘Other’ option works in the Payable by dropdown on the Invoice Details screen when creating an invoice.

Previously, If you changed the payable by party to ‘Other’ either by selecting it from the dropdown or clicking into the Invoice to fields to manually make a change, the information already present was treated differently. Changing the dropdown was removing the information already entered, clicking on a field to make a change was retaining what was there and allowing edits to it.

For consistency going forwards, if you change Payable by to ‘Other’, either by selecting it from the dropdown or clicking into the Invoice to fields, the details already entered into these fields will be retained. You can then edit them as you wish.

This also applied to editing the invoice header once it’s been saved.

Online Booking - Google Analytics 4

If you use Online Booking, there is a section in Settings where you can add a Google Analytics Tracking Code. Previously, we only accepted UA- analytics codes. However, with the introduction of Google Analytics 4, G- codes are now in use by many of our users. Therefore, we now accept both UA- and G- codes in this field.

Old UA- codes will stop working from 01/07/2023, but until then, we will accept both types of code for use on your Online Booking site.

New Onboarding Video for Invited Users

If you invite a new user to your site, from under Settings -> Users (always ensure your subscription covers adding another user before doing so), they will see a slightly different version of the traditional onboarding video that is played when a trial is taken out.

Don't worry, the new video still covers all the key aspects of WriteUpp, providing your new user with a quick tutorial before they begin their WriteUpp journey!

Decimal places and rounding

We've been standardising the way we handle both decimal places and rounding throughout WriteUpp following recent work around invoicing.

When creating an expense (or expense template), we now again allow up to 4 decimal places to be entered into the Price Per Unit field. If you were previously using 4 decimal places in expense templates, please edit your templates and enter the price per unit to 4 decimal places again. The last release was rounding these to 2 decimal places.

Any quantity and tax calculations will then use the price per unit including the decimal places, with no rounding taking place until line totals or grand totals are required. This allows for greater precision in calculations involving 4 decimal places.

All other currency input fields will allow up to 2 decimal places to be entered.

Bug Fixes

When uploading attachments to WriteUpp, the presence of a + icon in the file name was preventing the file being opened in the file viewer or downloaded. These files were successfully being uploaded, but the + icon in the file name was making the link to retrieve the file invalid. We’ve addressed this and any files which were previously uploaded containing a + in the file name should now be accessible under the files tab and won't cause an issue going forwards.
Previously, in the activity view, if you unticked the ‘Only show Client related Appointments’ box, and then moved to another page, this box would be ticked again. If you then unticked it on the new page, it would send you back to the first page. We have addressed this and now if you untick this box, you can page through the appointments in the activity view to see all client and non-client related appointments.
For some users, certain images were being ‘rotated’ when being uploaded to WriteUpp, such as when attaching an image to a note or adding media to Online Booking. We have attempted to address this orientation problem, but please note that due to the sporadic nature of the issue, some users may still come across it. Please do get in touch if you have any issues relating to this!
Under Business Views -> Reports, the finance values now correctly round to two decimal places.
Following the last release, if ‘Other’ was selected from the Payable by dropdown on the Invoice Details screen when creating an invoice and an address entered, the address was not being formatted correctly. If multiple lines were used in the address field, this was not reflected on the saved invoice; the address would all appear on one line. This has been fixed.
The ‘Refresh’ button on video calls now works for the client. Both the clinician and client can refresh the call using the yellow button alongside ‘End Call’ if either are having difficulties on the call.
In the portal, when a client is editing an assessment form that you have sent them, they get a warning pop up when they press the ‘Save’ button. This asks them if they are sure they are ready to submit the form. If they press ‘Continue’ the form gets submitted but if they press ‘Cancel’ this closes the pop up and they can continue editing the form. At the top right of this pop-up is also a cross, which previously would submit the form if pressed. This has been addressed, and now if clients close out of the pop-up using the cross, it will not submit the form and they can continue editing it.
When using online booking in timezones between +10:00 and +14:00 UTC (New Zealand for example), not all appointment slots were being shown in the displayed availability. This was also the case with the Create -> Appointment search. We’ve addressed this and all appointments should now be shown in the availability searches.

Updated on: 17/04/2024

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